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ISSN 1336-6491 | Online: 2983 | Redakcia

motoride.sk :: Články | Videá | Tipy | Foto | Klub | Inzercia | Firmy | Fórum | Kalendár

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Spolu odpovedi: 29224
Intenzívne brzdím oboma brzdami: 59% (17340)
Brzdím iba prednou brzdou aby som nedostal šmyk: 41% (11884)

Kde to je? - Diskusné fórum - Moto turistika

Chystáte sa na nejakú cestu, alebo len hľadáte radu ako a kam vycestovať ?

Značky: Cestopis, Tip, Mapa, GPS, Batožina, Plánované, Skúsenosti.

Pravidlá správania sa na diskusnom fóre motoride.sk

Pridaj novú diskusiuKde to je? - Diskusné fórum - Moto turistika

OO Zruš sledovanie Pridaj nový príspevok 
04.10.2006 19:45

Kde to je?

Darca Krvi  Edvenčr 


Viete niekto kde je toto miesto?

04.10.2006 19:51

Re: Kde to je?

Darca Krvi  Bahniak 


no na moto tam vist....musi byt zazitok...

chces to tam ist omrknut???

04.10.2006 19:55

Re: Kde to je?

Darca Krvi  Edvenčr 


najpravdepodobnejsie Himalaje-Tibet,India?

04.10.2006 19:56

Re: Kde to je?



v Indii... daj si vyhladat v google.sk project himank a docitas sa viac...

04.10.2006 20:17

Re: Kde to je?

Darca Krvi  Edvenčr 


tocim sa aj ja kolo toho ale nikde nemozem najst ten obrazok..max. druhy najvyssi bod

04.10.2006 20:32

Re: Kde to je?


Upravené 3 krát. Naposledy upravil TTom (25.01.2007 13:48)

04.10.2006 21:29

Re: Kde to je?

Darca Krvi  Edvenčr 


OK thanx hosi..myslim ze toto je postacujuce:
The world's highest motorable pass?

Khardung La is widely, but incorrectly, believed to be the world's highest motorable pass. There are higher motorable passes at Suge La, west of Lhasa, 5,430 m (17,815 feet), and Semo La 5,565 m (18,258 feet), between Raka and Coqen in Central Tibet. Both these elevations are supported by GPS and SRTM evidence and the latter was also measured by the Catalans and supported by the CIC, see above. Information about a 5,590 m (18,340 feet) pass Marsimik La, in the Indian Karakoram to the North-east of Khardung La, can be found here. It is stated that a sign reads "5590 metres, 18634 feet". The elevation given in metres is consistent with SRTM but the elevation in feet, which is equivalent to 5680 metres, is not. It is debatable whether this pass should be considered to be motorable. There may be higher motorable passes elsewhere in Tibet, but verification of these has not been possible because of lack of information and restricted access.

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