Pridaj videoBitka o Mount Greenland KTM 890 Adventure R - Chris Birch - Video
ZdieľaťPridané: 10.02.2021 Pridal: TroyMcClure
Čitatelia: 2888 [Iné moto videá - Onboard] Dĺžka: 03:58
Keď sa Chris takto vytrápil, ako by to išlo bežnému smrteľníkov na ťažkom cestovnom endure?
The West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand has some really wild tracks. Mount Greenland is one of the toughest. It climbs 900m over clay and nasty loose rocks. Of course we had to give it a go! We left our luggage at the pub in Ross and made what we've been told is the first successfull run up the mountain on a full sized Adventure Bike!
#KTM890AdventureR #Mitas #CardoSystems #AdventureHarder#SayNoToSlow
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Ocu a odki maš monokeľ pod okom? Ty budzeš mac dva, kedz išče raz tvoja frajirka zapomňe gače u našim auce!!