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Need your Help !! - Diskusné fórum - Moto turistika

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Pridaj novú diskusiuNeed your Help !! - Diskusné fórum - Moto turistika

OO Zruš sledovanie Pridaj nový príspevok 
12.11.2003 18:49

Need your Help !!

Is there somebody who can tell me something about good resources for finding some information about travelling through slovakia by motobike ??
Want to go there next June and start to collect everything I can find. Especially some insider infos would be great. Official sides are boring!
Sorry, I don`t know if I`m in the right category.. because I don`t understand slovakian language :-)

13.11.2003 7:25

Re: Need your Help !!

Peter Fischer
Darca Krvi  Turista 

Kumic, there is no web site especially about travelling through slovakia on motorbike. I hope these general sites are not too "official" for you:


If ya want some more info write me an e-mail on herghott@azet.sk buddy. Slovakia is a good choice!

Have a good time,


13.11.2003 10:23

Re: Need your Help !!

thanks a lot herghott ! I will check the sides..
I`m sure slovakia is a very good choice. At this time I`m standing at the beginning of my plannings ... but next year slovakia becomes "real" !

13.11.2003 13:26

Re: Need your Help !!

Peter Fischer
Darca Krvi  Turista 

I recommend you to visit the country around cities like Dolny Kubin, Trstena, Liptovsky Mikulas, Poprad (High Tatras), Brezno, Banska Stiavnica, Turcianske Teplice, Martin...

See ya

13.11.2003 18:32

Re: Need your Help !!

Herghott.. tell me, what is the trick to bring a picture of my bike in the "Clenovia" ! My way ends after Login.. as I told U : It`s pretty difficult without understanding slovak :-)

14.11.2003 9:55

Re: Need your Help !!



as Herghott wrote, Slovakia is beautifull, I also recomment especially to visit High Tatras and country among Martin, Banska Stiavnica (camping Pocuvadlo!), Poprad and Kosice. Visit the Maninska Tiesnava too. Unfortunatelly, the lakes are not very nice for swimming last time, except the Pocuvadlo, which is charming.
And one more remark: it is impotant to never let the motorbikes without chains and unlocked! You never know! And the best is always to ask someone to look after your bikes when you go to walk or make a tourism! In a camp you can e.g. ask the people on the reception to look after your bike (and you e.g. park the bikes near the reception), in a city park always on a guarded parking place (you pay approx.20 cents per hour). Then you will enjoy this trip, I am sure.

14.11.2003 11:05

Re: Need your Help !!

Tomáš Hajduch - Awia
Darca Krvi  Edvenčr 

Hi Kumic,
If you want to have pic of your bike in clenovia ano do not understand Slovak, the easiest way wil be if you send the pictures and short text to my email awia@motoride.sk. I can translate the info and put the article online.

And one good advice. I you really plan to visit our country I recomend you to find some Slovak bikers which can ride with you and maybe could show the best roads and places here. We are riding all the summer so feel free to contact us... :-)))
Regards Awia

14.11.2003 13:24

Re: Need your Help !!



Wir fast alle auch gut deutsch sprechen... dobreee, neee? :-))) Wir gruessen unsere deutsche Freunde im Hertz der Europa :-)))

14.11.2003 15:24

Re: Need your Help !!

Thanks to everybody! You all are great.. the same you could say" shut up stupid foreigner " :-)
Vidicon, do you really think that anybody wants to have my old tired BMW?! :-) I never had problems with thiefes from Tallinn to Praha at my past trips.. however I had a big strong chain with me;)
There a lot of names of cities and regions.. I`m a little bit confused yet! But what are the best now?? Where for example is the best brewery? I will have to take a map, mark all the points and then design a route.
Awia, it is a really good proposal! If it`s not too much trouble for you I will do like this. Thank you!
Of course it would be great to get in contact with slovak people - especially bikers - when I`m over there. I`m very free .. and I really want to contact U when we are in your area .. dovolite ? :-)

Hovorte pomalsie, prosim ... Kde je zachod?! ;))

14.11.2003 18:28

Re: Need your Help !!

Tomáš Hajduch - Awia
Darca Krvi  Edvenčr 

Hi Kumic,
I have put your article online right now. You can find it on main page and in section "Vase stroje" too.

P.S.: How do you get the Slovak words ? Do you know what they mean ?

15.11.2003 11:18

Re: Need your Help !!

Thank U Awia ! Doesn`t she look pretty ... the good old soul ?!
Last year we stood together in polish Beskyds at slovakian border, but next year this line will be crossed ! :-)

I know what they mean.. should be a joke;) It`s written out of "Lonely Planet" - Guide...

15.11.2003 11:39

Re: Need your Help !!



Hi all,
another proposal for Kumic.
When your travel plan will be clear, we would arrange for u some kind of guide rellay, I mean in every area should be at least one local biker to show u around...I think it is the best way to explore our country.
Any ideas/opinions are welcome.


15.11.2003 18:25

Re: Need your Help !!

Hi rejdio.
This proposal also sounds interesting.. very interesting! Of course this would be the very best solution which a traveller could get in foreign country! But is this possible? Are there any more bikers out there who would like to take part ?

09.01.2004 10:06

Re: Need your Help !!



Leute ihr mussen auch Deutsch sprachen reden. Aless gut!!!

10.01.2004 22:13

Re: Need your Help !!



andre was du da schreibst ist nicht gerade hochdeutsch...

04.02.2004 8:46

Re: Need your Help !!



Hi kumic,
I think, that in Slovakia are a lot of friendly bikers who would like to take a part :o)

19.03.2004 9:58

Re: Need your Help !!



Hi !
I am from Poprad (under High Tatras), if You come along, send me an e-mail, the road around Tatras is very beautiful, but I do not think the bear from Poprader brewery woud be very tasteful ... but you can try.

19.03.2004 10:00

Re: Need your Help !!



... we can try the beer also.. :-)

20.03.2004 5:03

Re: Need your Help !!

d.j. oNdRo

sup yo ?!??

dude , you gotta come to my village , i will take ya to the pub and we can get drunk :-) , i will find you a hot chick too .. hehe

just let me know , alright ?!!!? , so long buddy

20.03.2004 20:20

Re: Need your Help !!



ZEZE warum nicht. Aber du musst auch mit mir deutsch reden. Ist da noch ein Problem. Viele Leuten diskutieren hier nur UK sprachen. Das ist fur mich langweillich. Tchuss

22.03.2004 12:49

Re: Need your Help !!

Hey guys !

wasn`t here since long time... thank herghott for waking me up! wish a happy new year for everybody :o)
so, it gets serious now,only 11 weeks left, we`ll start the trip at June 6th and arrive at Slovakia about 8th (it depends on the fun which we have in Praha).
Übrigens zeze und andre, wir können auch gern deutsch reden.. wäre auch leichter für mich ;o)
Brano, I won`t have oportunity to write email but if you send me mobile-number I surely will get in contact by sms when we are in Poprad.
All in all I would say that everybody of you who is interested to take part of this deal and have a beer with us should send me his mobile-number and name of his city. So I can mark it at the map and see at once where "the good guys" are !

22.03.2004 18:39

Need your Help !!


Kumic wenn du auf Slowekei komst, kanst du auch zu mir kommen. Ich wohne neben die Stadt Kosice cca 80 km. Ich habe fur dich frei Zimmer und auch gute Slovaische schnaps :-)))
Bis bald André

23.03.2004 15:11

Re: Need your Help !!



Wie sieht der Plan eigentlich aus??? Wird man auch ein wenig herumfahren, oder nur betrunken unter einem Gebuesch liegen??

bei beiden Aktivitaeten bin ich dabei... nur nich bei beiden gleichzeitig...


23.03.2004 18:11

Re: Need your Help !!

Brano was denkst Du eigentlich von mir ?? Ich fahr doch nicht 1000km nur um mich dann betrunken unter einen Busch zu legen !!! Na ja, ein bisschen vielleicht ;o))

23.03.2004 18:13

Re: Need your Help !!

ach und Andre... über den Schnaps sollten wir nochmal genauer reden.... Unterkunft wäre dann sicher auch eine gute Idee ;-)

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