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ISSN 1336-6491 | Online: 1368 | Redakcia

motoride.sk :: Články | Videá | Tipy | Foto | Klub | Inzercia | Firmy | Fórum | Kalendár



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European Bike Week 2024 - Motoakcie, Stretnutia - Kalendár Moto-Akcí Pridaj akciu


Motoakcie, Stretnutia - European Bike Week 2024

Kedy:03.09.2024 10:00 až 08.09.2024 19:00
Kde:Jazero Faaker See, Rakúsko Jazero Faaker See
Kto:Vidicon (Vidicon) vás pozýva
Kontakt: www.harley-davidson.com/eu/en/content/event-calendar...
The legendary finale to the European motorcycle event season will return for at least another seven years, starting in September 2024, following an agreement signed between Harley-Davidson and the region of Carinthia in 2023. Don't miss it! European Bike Week is centered around the Harley Plaza and a huge surrounding event area on the shores of the stunning Lake Faak in southern Austria. This free event is open to riders of all motorcycle brands, with more than 100,000 visitors turning up annually from around the world, becoming home to a selection of the most amazing riding machines you will ever see. There’s also a fantastic entertainment line-up and a number of unique Harley-Davidson brand experiences available, as well as some amazing scenic roads to ride on the way to and around Carinthia.

Miesto konania akcie:

Jazero Faaker See



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Značky: Výlet, Zraz.

29.08.2024 13:45

European Bike Week 2024



Ahojte, ide niekto? Ja zvazujem svoju ucast cez vikend.

04.09.2024 9:29

European Bike Week 2024



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Moja žena ochabila na ladničke odkaz. NFUNGUJE TO!Idzem nazad ku maceri. Otvorim ladničku,švetlo švici,pivo žimne. Nerozumim o čim hutorela

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