Pridaj videoopatrnosti nie je nikdy dost - Video
ZdieľaťPridané: 20.03.2012 Pridal: barbora1986
Čitatelia: 2309 [Iné moto videá - Nehoda] Dĺžka: 01:01 The new campaign reminds riders about the types of risks they are exposed to every time they ride and that no matter who is at fault, it likely to come of second best in the case of a crash. This was to complement its existing motorcycle safety campaign, which had been encouraging riders to wear protective clothing at all times (March 2008) , the TAC wanted to make riders aware of their extreme vulnerability on the road. Market research undertaken by the TAC indicates that are riders underestimate the level of risk they are exposed to and that many ignore the options that can assist them in reducing their level of risk; including riding at a safe speed, wearing protective clothing and being highly visible.
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.Re: opatrnosti nie je nikdy dost
Bohača, až som sa zľakol |
Re: opatrnosti nie je nikdy dost
Presne o tom to je. Vyzerá to také frajerské a končí to v lepšom prípade v nemocnici. Ak len zopár ľuďom sa rozsvieti kontrolka v makovici, to video malo zmysel |
Re: opatrnosti nie je nikdy dost
barborka86 - pravdu máš - sú plné zbabelcov aj frajerov.. všetci tam skončíme, aj ja aj ty |
Re: opatrnosti nie je nikdy dost
nadherne video... |
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Ocu a odki maš monokeľ pod okom? Ty budzeš mac dva, kedz išče raz tvoja frajirka zapomňe gače u našim auce!!