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Pridaj video2015 Yamaha XJR1300 - Video


Pridané: 29.09.2014 Pridal: Redakcia
Čitatelia: 2476 [Oficiálne videá - Yamaha] Dĺžka: 01:40

The XJR1300 is back as the latest offering in the Sports Heritage Range. 20 years of evolution have delivered a stunning take on the iconic machine. Featuring the largest displacement inline-4 air-cooled engine in the market, the raw power and stripped back style commands respect.

The XJR1300’s slim racer-style fuel tank and aluminium handlebars show off the aggressive large displacement air-cooled muscular engine.

A solo-seat styled design is complemented with an aluminium side cover in the style of a seventies racer number plate with three mesh inserts. The look is complete with a black 4-2-1 exhaust and new styled tail cap design.

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Moto Guzzi


Ocu a odki maš monokeľ pod okom? Ty budzeš mac dva, kedz išče raz tvoja frajirka zapomňe gače u našim auce!!

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